Saturday, October 10, 2009

I don't usually care about stuff like this

Blame it on the anthro major, but I find this horribly damaging and banal. I think I need to find a new world, if this is "A Woman's World." Jesus Christ. It's like everything Sarah Haskins talks about in Target Women....but one tiny animated show...promoting chips....

Speaking of chips, I tried these awesome cinnamon tortilla chips the other day.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

So yeah

Ryley, this post is for you. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I have developed a strange obsession with this song

The video is a bit bizarre, but I can't get the song out of my head. I think the lyrics are wonderful and capture emotions quite well. I just do, ok?

We saw them perform as openers for the Decemberists on Tuesday night. I realized that this song came preloaded on my zune, so had heard it before. Though the auditory deja vu (deja entendu?) could have come from glam/Beatles references. Hitchcock's voice is an interesting blend.

The Decemberists themselves were fantastic. They played through all of Hazards of Love, which I'm warming up to, and had a fantastic and lengthy encore of some old excellence. I was particulary thrilled that they played "July July,""Eli the Barrowboy," and "O Valencia," among others. If they swapped out Summersong for "The Engine Driver," it might have been perfect.

To finish off the excellent evening, the Red Sox beat the Yankees 7-0! w00t.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This is the 100th post. In lieu of writing a fantastic entry to commemorate the occasion, I choose simply to acknowledge it. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Amusing. Sort of.

We've come so far?
^That's a link, by the way

This was also cute:

Sunday Afternoon

So I've given in (well, I suppose I was never really fighting it) and installed the Stumble-upon toolbar in Firefox. Unfortunately, I found a couple fantastic food websites so have been drooling for the past hour-and-a-half or so at multiple amazing recipes. I'd like to think I'll try them when I get home, especially with ingredients from my garden, but I may not be quite so industrious.

Here's a few of the best:
This one is what did me in. It was the photos :
From the first site, I got to this one. Definitely will hit a few of these up:
And this just looked fun: Margarita Cupcakes

In terms of my culinary inventiveness lately, I made a great dish on Wednesday night. I sauteed some onions and garlic in a pan, then added spinach. Added chopped tomatoes and basil (from a can) and cooked it down. Tossed in some fusilli, et voila.
Thursday afternoon made a soup with onion, fusilli, chicken stock, and carrots. Stock cubes are my new favorite thing. Thursday night went to a barbecue over in Rahoon. Irish pork sausages on the grill are divine--had only had them cooked in a pan before.

Thursday night played halo with boys. Managed to come in 3rd out of 4. w00t. It wasn't that I got killed a lot necessarily, but the map was so huge that I just ran around on my own a lot. It was a good night.

Later addition:
Inspired by my stumbling, here's what I made for dinner:
Fried mozzarella, topped with caramelized onions, on a bed of briefly-sauteed spinach perched in tomato sauce. The sauce came from a jar, but everything else was me own. Perhaps will add pictures. I plated it rather nicely, if I do say so myself.